Thursday, October 31, 2019
Islam and Conventional Economic Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Islam and Conventional Economic Systems - Essay Example Contrary to the conventional system, the Islamic system is based on the belief that God gives the man the power as a trustee for the needy. They allow legal ownership of property on condition of sharing with the society. Sectors of production and trade in this system are under public ownership. Customers under the Islamic system are entitled to public ownership of property. Under the conventional system, economic freedom is a dominant feature. Individuals do not meddle with the state in executing their freedom. The system allows the participation of individuals in the initiation and establishment of businesses, and professions. It allows for salary remunerations and free-will expenditure. Furthermore, it permits unrestricted economic freedom. The freedom, however, encourages exorbitant ways of generating cash such as illegal trafficking and gambling. It also encourages malpractices such as fraud, smuggling, and adulteration in business. The system allows for wealth competition and th e necessity to realize high profits. Unlike the conventional system, the Islam economic system allows limited economic freedom to individuals to earn wealth. The system differentiates between haram and halal as pertains wealth acquisition. Halal is an activity that is in line with the law while haram is activities forbidden under set regulations. The economic system forbids expenditure on luxurious lifestyles, spending extravagantly. The system encourages the wealthy to spend on the poor and the needy as a good gesture.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Final Exam - Assignment Example A very good example of technological advancement is mobile phone. The type of mobile phone which we had in earlier times no longer exists now. There is a change in the demand of mobile phone users. This has resulted in the advancement of mobile phone technologies. The users of mobile phones demand functionality and simplicity. This has forced the manufacturers of mobile phone to develop smart phones which are computer minded, easily usable, having more functionality as compared to the mobile phones of past. Further, technological advancements have helped organizations and businesses to save cost of production and time which is an advantage to small business and have managed to use these advancements for gaining competitive advantage. A very good example is 3G/ 4G broadband. The advantage of this super fast internet has been taken by small business to reach the target market with lower cost of operation. However, there has been both positive and negative effect of technological advanc ement. ... Further, it has also increased the health risks as the technological users do less exercise. In the perspective of education, students are more dependent on computers and calculators for solving simple equations. They cannot train their brains for solving a simple task for which they become lame in class. A few technological advancements have changed the human lives in the following manner: Technological advancement has contributed a lot in health care and medicine. This has helped to save the lives of many innocent people. Further, it has improved health sciences and human medicine. The medical students and doctors use medical technological tools for carrying out extensive research on the challenges and problems related to human health. This extensive research has led to the development of treatments and new drugs which help to cure the challenging human diseases and saving the lives of many people and prolonging the lifespan of human being. For example: a smart phone ultrasound whi ch was provided by Microsoft can be used for integrating a USB based ultrasound probe with a Smart phone. This can be used to create a ultrasound device which is simple hand sized for enabling the doctors to image the bladder, liver, veins, eyes, arteries and kidney of a patient in remote areas which can detect any infection easily. This device can be used in many developing countries for saving the life of people. This mobile ultra sound can be used by the doctors without boundaries for helping the patients in remote areas. Certain other technologies in health care include use of nano-composite contact lenses for treating diabetes patients. Neuro-prosthetic chips are used for controlling artificial
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Heritage Of Christianity In Ethiopia Theology Religion Essay
Heritage Of Christianity In Ethiopia Theology Religion Essay Christianity and Islam have coexisted in Ethiopia since the celebrated first migration in the formative period of Islam fourteen-hundred years ago. Ethiopia has overcome many attempts in the past to overthrow this coexistence, but modern Ethiopia remains a nation which prides itself on a tradition of religious tolerance between its populations of Christian, Muslim and Jewish citizens. This delicate balance however, is facing a threat by interference from outside interests attempting to establish control in the Horn of Africa. These outsiders are using religious non-governmental organizations such as evangelical Christian missionaries and Wahabist Muslim dawahs to influence the population against the traditional ruling Coptic Church. Heritage of Christianity in Ethiopia The Judeo-Christian history of Ethiopia goes back to the time of Israels King Solomon in the tenth century BCE. The Holy Bible (First Kings) records that the Queen of Sheba (modern Ethiopia), visited King Solomon. The Ethiopian epic Kebra Nagast records that she bore a son by Solomon, Menelik, who is said to have brought the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia. This was the beginning of the Solomonid Dynasty of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Coptic Orthodox Tewahedo Church (hereafter referred to as the Coptic Church) claims the Ark still resides in the Chapel of the Tablet in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in the town of Axum, Ethiopia (Raffaele, 2007). Axum is also the name of the first Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, which was the first of any world nation to adopt Christianity as the official state religion. The Coptics relate that Christianity was first brought to Ethiopia by an Ethiopian royal official who was converted by Phillip the Evangelist, one of the first seven deacons of Christianity. In the fourth century, the Pope of the Coptic Church in Alexandria appointed Frumentius as the first Archbishop of Axum and Axum became officially a Christian nation. It should be noted that before this time the Coptic Church based in Alexandria (also known as the Oriental Orthodox) had already split off from what would become the Catholic churches and the Eastern Orthodox churches. This split was due to difference in opinion on the nature of the Christ (Gascoigne, From 2001, ongoing). This difference of opinion continues to alienate the Coptics from the rest of Christianity to this day, as will be seen. Muslim Heritage in Ethiopia In the year 613, the Companions and Family of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) were being persecuted by the Qurayshi clan in Mecca. One of the leading Companions was an Ethiopian slave. The Ethiopian king at this time was known to be a just leader and the Prophet was convinced that his followers would be safest in a Christian country where the people followed the scriptures of the Book rather than among the pagan tribes of Arabia. The Prophet ordered his Companions to migrate (hijra) to Ethiopia for their safety. During the six years the Companions stayed in Ethiopia, many Ethiopians converted to the new religion of Islam. In the sixth year of the first hijirat, a nephew of the Prophet, Amir ibn Umayya visited Ethiopia with an invitation to Negus, the king of Ethiopia to accept Islam. Amir was warmly received by Negus, who against the will of the rest of the royal family and the Coptic Church, converted to Islam. The royal family revolted against Negus and when Negus died, the Prophet off ered the first ever in-absentia funeral prayer (Salatul Ghaib) in his honor (Mohammed, 2012). Islam had established itself in Ethiopia, but Ethiopia would remain officially a Christian nation. The Solomonid Dynasty would continue to reign until the Marxist revolution of 1974 and the royal position was that there were no Muslim Ethiopians. The position of the royal family was that Muslim Ethiopians were foreigners living in the country (The First Hijrah Foundation (FHF), 2012). This foreigner label on Muslim Ethiopians is in part strengthened by ethnic and racial divisions within Ethiopia. Racial and Ethnic Federalism Ethiopia is currently divided into ethnically-based autonomous federal regions. For example, the Somali ethnic region is the most populous and takes up roughly the eastern third of the country with its population 97% ethnically Somali. The Somali people are a Cushitic (black African) ethnic group and predominately Muslim (98%). The next most populous region is Oromo. The Oromo are also a Cushitic ethnic group whose population is religiously divided between predominately Muslim in the eastern portion of the region and evangelical protestant (referred to as Penty) Christian in the west. The Amhara ethnic group is Semitic (like the Hebrew and Arabs) and lives in the highland region of Amhara (Population Census Commission, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, 2008). The royal family of Ethiopia was of Amharic ethnicity and this ethnic group still maintains dominance in the Ethiopian federal government. The Amharic people are predominately Coptic and the Coptic Church in Ethiopia is p rimarily led by Amharics. This historical dominance of the Amharic people over the other ethnicities of the region has been the cause for some of the conflict in the region that to outsiders may appear to be simply religiously based. Past Religious Conflicts With the emergence and rapid growth of Islam in the sixth century, Ethiopia quickly became an isolated Island of Christendom in a Sea of Islam (Gascoigne, From 2001, ongoing). Although geographically isolated, Ethiopia maintained strong ties to the rest of Christendom. The Ethiopian Patriarch has always been appointed by the Oriental Orthodox Pope in Alexandria and monks from the Ethiopian Coptic Church maintain the unique right of being co-custodians of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. By the end of the thirteenth century, Ethiopia was the only non-Muslim state in northern Africa. During the fifteenth century, Ethiopian monks from Jerusalem attempted to attend the Council of Florence to discuss the re-unification of the Christian Churches. They were denied entry to the council by both the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches because of the theological differences which had caused them to split off originally. The presence of the Ethiopian monks at Florence did, however, serve to attract the attention of Rome resulting in a Jesuit mission being sent to Ethiopia. This Jesuit presence would last nearly two hundred years and ultimately result in the Ethiopian king, Susenyos, renouncing the Coptic faith as heresy and adopting the Roman Catholic faith. After the departure of the Jesuits, Susenyos succumbed to pressure and reverted back to the Coptic faith. During the sixteenth century when the Jesuit presence was at its strongest, Ethiopia was also facing jihads from the Muslims. The first jihad was from the Sultan Graà ± (aka Ahmad ibn Ibrahim) who had based his sultanate in Harar. His decision to declare holy war on Ethiopia was due in part to marginalization and discrimination against the Muslims influenced in part by the Jesuit missionaries. Graà ± moved an army of Somalis west and destroyed a great many of the Christian shrines and holy places (Gascoigne, From 2001, ongoing). In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Ethiopia fought to maintain its independence from the colonial powers of Portugal and Italy. The Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selassie, led in the formation of the League of Nations and the Organization of African Unity. After the second world war, Ethiopia backed by the United States, who was looking for a possible Red Sea port annexed Eritrea. Eritrean opinion was divided on this between Christians who were pro-unification and Muslims who were for Eritrean independence. This led to nearly 40 years of conflict. As part of the larger global cold war, a Marxist element emerged in Eritrea. This Marxist element eventually performed a military coup against the royal family, deposing Emperor Haile Selassie in 1974. A period of instability prevailed until 1991 when the current constitution was affirmed and Eritrea was granted independence in 1993. From 1991 until 2012, Ethiopia was under the control of the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. Occasional wars continued to break out along Ethiopias borders and the conflicts would spill over into the neighboring countries of Somalia and Sudan. Meles supported, and was supported by, the Coptics and the Amharic population. Although no longer in power by law, the Coptics and the Amharic peoples still hold much influence. Meles support of the Coptics and marginalization of the Muslims and Penties is part of the cause of recent violence in the country (Heinlein, 2012). Recent Events On the second of March, 2011 in Asendabo, a Penty allegedly desecrated the Koran. It was believed by the Ethiopian Government that the Kawarja Muslim sect used this alleged act to incite a riot that resulted in up to 10,000 Christians fleeing the area. Approximately fifty churches and many Christian homes were burned to the ground. This was the largest in a series of Muslim attacks against Christians, especially Penties in Muslim dominated regions. In November of 2010, Christian residents of Besheno found warnings nailed to their doors to convert, leave the city, or be killed. On the twenty-sixth of February, 2011, a Muslim mob attacked seventeed Penty college students with rods and sticks for attempting to distribute Bibles in a Muslim village (Macedo, 2011). Although freedom of religion is guaranteed in the Ethiopian constitution, each autonomous region may interpret that freedom in its own way. In November of 2011, the Ethiopian Government identified the Kawarja sect with Al-Qaeda and expressed concern over a growing force of Wahhabi Muslims promoting violence against moderate Muslims and Christians with the aim of making Ethiopia an Islamic country governed by Sharia law. Wahabist teachings would upset the balance between Christians and Muslims and challenge United States interests in the region as well. The Ethiopian Government responded by backing a competing Muslim sect, Al-Ahbash. Al-Ahbash was founded by an Ethiopian and is very anti-Wahabi/Salafi in its beliefs, going so far as to declare takfir against them (declaring the Wahabi/Salafi as heretics). The Ethiopian Government appointed an Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (IASC) that was Ahbash heavy with no representatives from the Wahabi or Salafi sects. This council seeks to create Ahabash based Islamic schools in Ethiopia so that Ethiopians will not have to go to Arabic countries to learn to become Imams (Fentaw, 20 12). With the death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in August of 2012, some Ethiopian Christians and Muslims are hoping for unity in the future. Ethiopian college students of both Christian and Muslim faiths joined together to found the group Concerned Ethiopian Students to work toward peace. When Egypt and Libya saw riots in September of 2012 because of the film Innocence of Muslims produced by Coptic Christians living in the United States, Coptic leaders were quick to denounce the film. On the fifth of November, 2012, the new Pope of the Oriental Orthodox Communion was elected and took his place ruling the Coptic Church in Alexandria. The next day he issued a statement stating that the Coptic Church has no political role, but that he fears Sharia law will threaten the religious freedom and safety of the Christian community (Schiava, 2012). On the seventh of November, 2012, the Ethiopian Government announced the newly elected members of the IASC. The government hopes the IASC can bring pe ace within the Muslim community (VanDerWolf, 2012). Muslims, especially Wahabis, had been protesting the elections for months. The Wahabis had requested the elections be held in mosques instead of public meeting halls. The Wahabi fear is that the elections were influenced by the government which they say is trying to ban the Wahabi sect and promote Ahbash (Heinlein, 2012). More than one hundred Muslims are being held on terrorism charges for the protests (VanDerWolf, 2012). The Way Ahead for United States Interests The United States involvement in the Horn of Africa, particularly Ethiopia sits in the same delicate situation as the Coptic Church. With the United States alliance with the Amharic ruling parties of Ethiopia, any move by the government against Islam or any sect of Islam, such as Wahabi, is seen by the radical Muslims as an act backed by or even directed by the United States and Israel (The First Hijrah Foundation (FHF), 2012). The evangelism of the Penty churches into Muslim and Coptic areas is seen by some as interference from the United States, though through such entities as the Ku Klux Klan (comment to (CBS News, 2012). While this may seem ridiculous, it conveys the fear that is bred in the minds of some Ethiopian Muslims. The Ethiopian Coptics may be facing the greatest struggle in their nearly two-thousand year history. If an Islamist faction gains control of the nation, many will flee the country much as most Christians have fled from Iraq and most recently Egypt. Any move by the United States government or American based organizations to aid the Christians in Ethiopia will only strengthen the resolve of the Islamist sects to eliminate the Christian powerbase. Perhaps they may find peace in true democracy in the post-Zenawi era.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Colonies Essay -- essays research papers
The Middle and Southern settlements were as different as night and day. Established for different economical and social reasons, these two colonial areas share very few similarities. Reasons for their migration and their final destinations greatly influenced the outcome of each society. à à à à à First, the Southern Colonies were formed by aristocratic Europeans who came to the New World in search of land. These wealthy people brought Europeans and African servants. In their new home, the aristocrats produced a society in which only the wealthy had power. They tried and at some times forced their servants to convert to Christianity. They were constantly battling the Native Americans and had little respect for them. On the other hand, unhappy New England colonists and Europeans wanting complete freedom settled the middle colonies. The settlement of these lands was mainly started by William Penn. Penn, received land for the King for debts owed to his father. It was Pennââ¬â¢s goal to create a society in which all people were equal. There was no slavery in the Middle Colonies, unlike the Southern Colonies, and by law, all men could own land. Also, they respected the natives and even employed them from time to time. They remarked on how it wasnââ¬â¢t nec essary to bare weapons around these people. Although the goal of these settlements was complete religious toleration, it wasnââ¬â¢t totally feasible. à à à à à In addition, the colonies in the south ... Colonies Essay -- essays research papers The Middle and Southern settlements were as different as night and day. Established for different economical and social reasons, these two colonial areas share very few similarities. Reasons for their migration and their final destinations greatly influenced the outcome of each society. à à à à à First, the Southern Colonies were formed by aristocratic Europeans who came to the New World in search of land. These wealthy people brought Europeans and African servants. In their new home, the aristocrats produced a society in which only the wealthy had power. They tried and at some times forced their servants to convert to Christianity. They were constantly battling the Native Americans and had little respect for them. On the other hand, unhappy New England colonists and Europeans wanting complete freedom settled the middle colonies. The settlement of these lands was mainly started by William Penn. Penn, received land for the King for debts owed to his father. It was Pennââ¬â¢s goal to create a society in which all people were equal. There was no slavery in the Middle Colonies, unlike the Southern Colonies, and by law, all men could own land. Also, they respected the natives and even employed them from time to time. They remarked on how it wasnââ¬â¢t nec essary to bare weapons around these people. Although the goal of these settlements was complete religious toleration, it wasnââ¬â¢t totally feasible. à à à à à In addition, the colonies in the south ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cause of Depression Analysis Worksheet Essay
Purpose: The Cause of Depression Analysis Worksheetââ¬â¢s purpose is to guide your steps in analyzing the resources from the Resource List in u06s3 and Capella Library regarding the cause of depression from the perspective you have chosen to research. This worksheet will help lead you through the research process by providing you a systematic way to analyze the resources you have chosen to research. As you review resources, you will use the worksheet to analyze the authorsââ¬â¢ positions on the issue and the arguments they present to support their positions. To fill out the worksheet, work your way down through the analysis components for each individual article and record your analysis for each component in the cell under the title of the article you are reviewing. When you have completed your analysis of individual articles, you can then look across the responses to compare and contrast the perspectives on the issue. You will submit your Cause of Depression Analysis Worksheet to the Unit 6 assignment area. Name of Perspective: Cognitive Analysis Components Cause of Depression Research Articles APA citation for article APA citation for article The main purpose of this article is . . . [State as accurately as possible the authorââ¬â¢s purpose for writing the article. What is the authorââ¬â¢s position or point of view?] The purpose of this article is the causes of depression its core and what still somewhat of a mysterious. Some physicians thoughts and point of view is that depression could be caused by physical and mental developmentâ⬠s from within that later affect an individual. Often times because the way the brain works it could trigger symptoms caused by depression. The change can affect an individualââ¬â¢s mood causing them to feel happy, and disregarding the things they use too enjoy doing on a daily basis.A an individual with depression usually starts manifesting signs thatà include feeling unhappy, empty, hopeless, irritable, or anxious could be interpreting or considered to have depression. Individuals that are experiencing depression often feel unable to break free from all the thoughts and emotio ns. The main arguments that the author is making are . . . [Determine the main arguments the author makes to support their position.] Modern day brain development and industrial science disclosed that depression, and its neural circuits are liable for the arrangements of mood,thinking, sleeping, loss of appetite, demeanor to decline and or to work accordingly. Nonetheless, the exact origin of such conditions sustains to be a matter of excessive exploration. Often times the connections of genetic cognitive and environmental factors is elaborated in the onset of a depressive disorder. The evidence or facts the author uses in this article to support their arguments are. . . [Identify the facts, data, or resources the author uses to support his/her argument. Applied science has indicated that symptoms of depression such as feeling unhappy, empty, hopeless, irritable, or anxious, or a sense of fear, or a feeling of worthlessness or guilt, result in headaches, muscle pains, loss of appetite and general unhappiness. Cognitive psychologist examine internal processes including perception, attention, language memory and thinking. The main conclusion[s]/inference[s] in this article are . . . [Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and presents in the article.] Treatments such as medication and counseling are generally used for depression Many different kinds of medications are accessible to treat the symptoms of depression. Utilizing prescription medicines can alleviate and help an individual recover their lives and learn how to balance their state of mental health. However, the main problem for some individuals is ultimately facing things and not ridding themselves of destructive mental states. The main assumptions underlying the authorââ¬â¢s thinking are . . . [Think about what the author is assuming to be true and what might be questioned. To expand on this statement you will need to think about the larger context ofà the topic.] The Cause of depression. Depression is not oneââ¬â¢s state of mind or the the way an individual is feeling. Itââ¬â¢s a medical condition. It should be must be looked at with the proper mentality. Depression is a very severe disease that can alter oneââ¬â¢s lifestyle, their eating, sleeping pattern, friendship, and habits.Individuals depression cannot expect change in a month or wish themselves better. They must get medical attention, either physical or mental treatment in order to help restore equilibrium. This is where counseling plays a major role in their recovery. By discussing their problems with a trained psychologist. Individuals can find ways to avoid future depression triggers and find a balance. If we accept the authorââ¬â¢s line of reasoning, the implications are . . . [What consequence does the authorââ¬â¢s argument have on our understanding of current research and/or theory?] As psychiatrist we will continue educate ourselves more about the Causes of Depression. However, with combinated research and the appropriate proceedings of treating an individual with depression illnesses can get better. As a psychiatrist we will learn more about the Reactions of Depression with more research and the proper procedures we will work more towards treating an individual with depression illnesses. If we reject the authorââ¬â¢s line of reasoning, the implications are . . . [What consequence does rejecting the authorââ¬â¢s argument have on our understanding of current research and theory?] We may not as psychiatrists know the proper procedures and guidelines to treating a person with depression. We may not as psychiatrists know the proper procedures to follow when a person has physical changes along with depression and the guidelines to use when treating a person with depression. We may not as psychiatrists know the proper procedures and guidelines to follow when treating a person who has unusual mental and or physical reaction with depression but we will continue to learn more in order to help individuals suffering from depression.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project Management and Community Members Essay
TopCoder has a very unique and different model with respect to the traditional companies. As a senior manager, I would need to build following capabilities: Firstly, build manpower to oversee a community of over 200,000 members and direct the process of competition based software development. The emphasis would be on not managing individuals but managing the process of participation, fostering community participation and community growth. Secondly, focus on building a critical mass of talent and coding capacity to run many competitions and produce solutions for clients at the same time. This would require attracting new members into the community through more challenges and contents, doing online advertising and member development days. Thirdly, build norms by maintaining the highest standards of contest integrity, transparency and quality. Strictly monitor competitions and maintain consistency of procedures. Fourthly, provide the right governance. Involve the views of the community members as well in the decision making process and treat them as driver along with establishing a fair peer review scoring system. Fifthly, do the right resource allocation. Allocate community resources and control contest participation across the number of contests. This is because unlike traditional firms, Topcoder cannot assign specific people to a task or project. Focus would be on to set the prize amount, duration and timing of contest and the number of competitors. Sixthly, work towards retaining community members and encourage future contest participation. Supply community members with consistent work stream and prize money. Dedicate significant resources to facilitate forum discussions and encourage members to engage in the community. On the demand side, as a manager, I would need to guide clients through the contest-based software development process, provide suggestions for contest prize amounts, gather feedback between contests and provide project status updates to clients. In case of technical problem, get the problem fixed through the appropriate community members. Manage client expectations and serve as a board for client concerns. Additionally, educate the clients on how to use the TopCoder platform to manage the contest-based software development process themselves.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Police Brutality misc2 essays
Police Brutality misc2 essays It was April 29, 1992 and it was my twelve birthday. My mom gave me a little chocolate cake with a plastic surfer riding a wave on top of it. We were watching television while I was getting ready to blow out my candles. There was a disturbance in South Central Los Angeles that the news helicopters were covering on every channel. There were crowds of people flooding the intersection of Florence and Normandy acting rowdy and getting aggressive toward passing cars. They stopped cars and pulled people out of them. The news cameras were right on top of it all of the way. Reginald Deny was taken out of his semi-truck and severely beaten. You could see people enthused about beating this defenseless man. One man grabbed a brick and threw it at Denys head then began to dance with enthusiasm. The majority of the crowd were black and they were harassing any other race that happened to go through their neighborhood. The crowd got out of control setting fire to cars and the violence wa s quickly spreading to other blocks around the neighborhood. I continued to eat my cake as I watched the news broadcasting the surging violence. The crowd was reacting to the acquittal, just hours earlier, of the four police officers in the beating of Rodney King2 . People couldnt believe the outcome. The beating of Rodney King was videotaped and shown over and over to the public. People believed that finally there was going to be justice. They believed that there was clear-cut evidence showing what has been complained about for years. Finally people who had never believed the accounts of police brutality existed witnessed it for themselves. Finally the public as a whole could react and try to control the officers that abuse their power. But instead, the officers were acquitted, and the public felt betrayed. Especially the black community who was fed up with their complaints falling on deaf ears. They were fed up and they resorted...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Momen Fast Food Chain Penetrating A New International Market
Moââ¬â¢men International Marketing Research Plan A. Situation analysis: Definition of company & product. Moââ¬â¢men is an Egyptian fast food chain, with branches all over Cairo, Alexandria and El Mansoura. The restaurantââ¬â¢s menu offers a selection of sandwiches, featuring mainly beef, chicken and seafood, in addition to an assortment of finger foods and side orders. B. Problem formulation. Moââ¬â¢men is thinking of expanding internationally and is considering London, UK, for its new branch. The management needs to make a decision about the possibility of such a thing and how to proceed with the needed steps to make such a decision. C. What kind of information do we need. Generally, we need data to assess market potential and investment climate, as well as the risks and costs of operating in the UK market. The next step is to make an explicit evaluation of demand in the UK, specifically the London fast food market, which is important when considering initial market entry, because of the high costs and uncertainty associated with entering new markets. Consequently, the Moââ¬â¢men management has to make an initial estimate of demand potential in the market. Secondary Data: Secondary data is particularly valuable in assessing opportunities in countries with which the management has little familiarity. We need secondary data to: 1. Develop estimates of demand in the UK, using lead-lag analysis and econometric forecasting models, but more preferably using surrogate indicators and barometric procedures. For the UK market, surrogate indicators are not appropriate, as they are useful in markets where little data is available, market potential is limited and relatively crude estimates will suffice. Barometric procedures, on the other hand, provide more precise estimates at both the aggregate market level and for specific market segments. 2. Assess the extent of market interconnectedness, using macroeconomic trade data, data concer... Free Essays on Mo'men Fast Food Chain Penetrating A New International Market Free Essays on Mo'men Fast Food Chain Penetrating A New International Market Moââ¬â¢men International Marketing Research Plan A. Situation analysis: Definition of company & product. Moââ¬â¢men is an Egyptian fast food chain, with branches all over Cairo, Alexandria and El Mansoura. The restaurantââ¬â¢s menu offers a selection of sandwiches, featuring mainly beef, chicken and seafood, in addition to an assortment of finger foods and side orders. B. Problem formulation. Moââ¬â¢men is thinking of expanding internationally and is considering London, UK, for its new branch. The management needs to make a decision about the possibility of such a thing and how to proceed with the needed steps to make such a decision. C. What kind of information do we need. Generally, we need data to assess market potential and investment climate, as well as the risks and costs of operating in the UK market. The next step is to make an explicit evaluation of demand in the UK, specifically the London fast food market, which is important when considering initial market entry, because of the high costs and uncertainty associated with entering new markets. Consequently, the Moââ¬â¢men management has to make an initial estimate of demand potential in the market. Secondary Data: Secondary data is particularly valuable in assessing opportunities in countries with which the management has little familiarity. We need secondary data to: 1. Develop estimates of demand in the UK, using lead-lag analysis and econometric forecasting models, but more preferably using surrogate indicators and barometric procedures. For the UK market, surrogate indicators are not appropriate, as they are useful in markets where little data is available, market potential is limited and relatively crude estimates will suffice. Barometric procedures, on the other hand, provide more precise estimates at both the aggregate market level and for specific market segments. 2. Assess the extent of market interconnectedness, using macroeconomic trade data, data concer...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
What to Do if Youve Been Placed on a College Waitlist
What to Do if Youve Been Placed on a College Waitlist Its important to understand what it means when youve been placed on a college waitlist. Like thousands of students across the country, you havent been accepted or rejected, and the resulting limbo can be frustrating. Youll make better decisions if you have a clear picture of how waitlists work and what your options are. Key Takeaways: College Waitlists Colleges use waitlists to ensure a full incoming class. Students get off the list only if a school falls short of admission targets.Chances of getting off a waitlist vary from year to year and school to school. Because of the uncertainty, you should move on with other plans.Be sure to accept a position on the waitlist and send of letter of continued interest if allowed. In the spring, college applicants begin getting those happy and sad admissions decisions. They tend to begin something like this: Congratulations! . . . or, After careful consideration, weââ¬â¢re sorry to inform you . . . But what about that third type of notification, the one that is neither acceptance nor rejection? Thousands upon thousands of students find themselves in college admissions limbo after having been placed on a waiting list. If this is your situation, what now?à Should you accept a position on the waitlist? Should you get angry at the school for waitlisting you and decide you didnââ¬â¢t want to go there anyway? Do you go ahead and put down a deposit at a school where youââ¬â¢ve been accepted, even if your waitlist school is your first choice? Do you simply sit around and wait? The answers to these questions, of course, vary depending upon your situation and the schools to which you applied. Below youll find advice for your next steps. Here's How Waitlists Work Waitlists have a very specific purpose in the admissions process. All colleges want a full incoming class. Their financial well-being is dependent upon full classrooms and full residence halls. So, when admissions officers send out acceptance letters, they make a conservative estimate of their yield (the percentage of admitted students who will actually enroll). In case the yield falls short of their projections, they need some students on back-up who can fill out the incoming class. These are the students on the waitlist. The widespread acceptance of the Common Application, Coalition Application, and new Cappex Application make it relatively easy for students to apply to many colleges. This may be convenient for students, but it also means that students are applying to more colleges than they typically did in decades past. As a result, colleges get more half-hearted applications and its more difficult to predict the yield on their applications. The end result is that colleges need to put more students on waitlists in order to manage the uncertainty. This is particularly true at highly selective colleges and universities. What Are Your Options When Waitlisted? Most schools send out a letter asking you if you will accept a position on the waitlist. If you refuse, thatââ¬â¢s the end of the story. If you accept, you then wait. How long you wait depends on the schoolââ¬â¢s enrollment picture. Students have been known to receive acceptances from the waitlist a week before classes start. May and June are more typical notification times. You essentially have three options when waitlisted: Decline a position on the waitlist. If you got into a school you like more, you should decline. Its rude and inconvenient for other students and the college if you accept a place on the waitlist simply to see if youll get in. If you dont plan to attend, dont put yourself on the waitlist.Accept a position on the waitlist, sit back, and wait. If youre still considering the school, you should definitely put yourself on the waitlist.Accept a position on the waitlist, and then take action to improve your chances of getting off the waitlist. Be realistic here- your chances of getting off the waitlist probably are not great, and any actions you take may or may not help. Still, something as simple as a letter of continued interest can have a positive effect. What Are Your Chances of Getting Off a Waitlist? Itââ¬â¢s important that you have a sense of the math, for in most cases the numbers arenââ¬â¢t encouraging. The examples below vary widely, from Penn State where 80% of waitlisted students were admitted, to Middlebury College where 0% were offered admission. The norm tends to be in the 10% range. This is why you should move on with other options rather than pin your hopes on the waitlist. Also, realize the numbers below will vary significantly from year to year because a colleges yield will vary from year to year. Cornell University Number waitlisted: 3,213Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 1,976Number admitted from waitlist: 279Percentage admitted from waitlist: 14% Grinnell College Number waitlisted: 740Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 279Number admitted from waitlist: 16Percentage admitted from waitlist: 6% Haverford College Number waitlisted: 732Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 305Number admitted from waitlist: 10Percentage admitted from waitlist: 3% Middlebury College Number waitlisted: 1,231Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 603Number admitted from waitlist: 0Percentage admitted from waitlist: 0% Penn State University, University Park Number waitlisted: 1,828Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 1,704Number admitted from waitlist: 1,356Percentage admitted from waitlist: 80% Skidmore College Number waitlisted: 1,584Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 522Number admitted from waitlist: 59Percentage admitted from waitlist: 11% University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Number waitlisted: 8,385Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 2,776Number admitted from waitlist: 525Percentage admitted from waitlist: 19% Yale University Number waitlisted: 728Number who accepted a place on waitlist: 204Number admitted from waitlist: 56Percentage admitted from waitlist: 27% A Final Word on Waitlists Theres no reason to sugarcoat your situation. Yes, we can say, At least you werent rejected! The reality, however, is that its frustrating and discouraging to be placed on a waitlist. If you were waitlisted from your top choice school, you should definitely accept a place on the waitlist and do all you can to get an acceptance. That said, you should also move on with plan B. Accept an offer from the best college that accepted you, put down your deposit, and move forward. If you are lucky and get off the waitlist, you will likely lose your deposit, but thats a small price to pay for attending your top choice school.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Social Aspects of Nation Building in Myanmar Essay
Social Aspects of Nation Building in Myanmar - Essay Example The weekly schedule will be carried out as follows: à According to Reid1 nation building and state, nationalism is of greater importance after the end of colonial rule. The Anti-Fascist Peopleââ¬â¢s Freedom League (AFPFL) took power in 1948 as an alliance of several factions.2 It was formed with an aim of ending colonial rule (Hlaing 2008) à The introduction of socialism created a socialist economy in which capitalist enrichment and exploitation of the underprivileged was impossible.3 Socialism would, in this case, enhance national unity (Steinberg 1982) à Myanmar was founded as a secular state but Buddhism came to play an important role in nation building after 1948 (Smith 1965). Nu the first Prime minister encouraged the appeal of Buddhism as a unifying national ideology.4 à In 1962, Ne Win staged a coup dââ¬â¢Ã ©tat and took over power. The military considered the takeover necessary since the Union Government ââ¬Å"â⬠¦represented the interests of feudal elements; exploiting landlords; national and foreign capitalists; bureaucratsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ 5 The military, therefore, took over governance with an intention to restore unity and equality among the people. Nash, Manning. ââ¬Å"Buddhist Revitalisation in the Nation State: The Burmese Experience.â⬠In Religion and Change in Contemporary Asia, edited by Robert F.Spencer.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Leadership Plan Addendum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Leadership Plan Addendum - Research Paper Example Leaders have to go through different stages of learning which will help to avoid the errors that one may encounter in the initial stages when one takes up leadership position. This paper will develop a greater understanding of risk issues that will have an impact on Simcenter, Inc. and their leadership styles. SimCenter, Inc. is one the nationââ¬â¢s leading pilot training facilities in the United States and is privately owned by the George Family from its headquarters in Miami, Florida. SimCenter has been providing flight training instructions for over ten years and has built is reputation on providing the airline industry well trained and highly experienced pilots. Air carriers seek pilots trained by SimCenter both nationally and internationally because of their professionalism. Although SimCenter has primarily been a training center for commercial carriers that have large aircraft such as Airbus300 series, Boeing 737s, and Boeing 757s; it is uniquely positioned to profit from both current pilot shortages and hiring requirements of National and International carriers by leasing pilots and creating a charter airline to the Bahamas. This new venture is based on Porterââ¬â¢s Value Chain Theory, which explains the need of producers to provide products and services at the same level of customer demands (Value Chain, 2005). Value chain of any organization reflects its history, the strategy and the approach to implementing the strategy, and the economics of the activities. The purpose of a value chain is to create a process or product that would generate profits. According to Porter, adding value is a strategic means to achieve profit and competitive advantage. Traditionally different business functions perceived and created value differently. Under Porterââ¬â¢s model profitability and market control can be maintained if an organization controls all aspects of the buying experience including supplies,
Digital media has changed the ways ideas, information, and arguments Essay
Digital media has changed the ways ideas, information, and arguments in society are communicated both locally and globally - Essay Example This revolution has changed the peopleââ¬â¢s lifestyles and actions are manipulated by the information that they can access. The availability of information due to digital technology has brought along positive and negative impacts on the new society referred to as the network society. This paper features out the various ways in which digital media has impacted on the societyââ¬â¢s way of thinking and reasoning, and how this has changed their course of actions. In the Dark Age, an age where information was a scarce resource, the behavior of the people was so much influenced by their community traditions and social-cultural norms. Information was common only on the elite people and the society highly depended on such while working out their decisions. The elite community would misuse this privilege of having information to manipulate the reasoning of the people to make decisions that would favor their individual goals. This was common in the political arena where politicians woul d influence the voting process to suit their political ambitions during the campaign period. Deprived of the power of information the people were likely to arrive at immature conclusion and consequently uninformed decisions (Silverstone, 2005). The evolution of information technology has phased out this era and information can no longer be hoarded among the few elite in the society. Today, dense media networks are available and accessible to all humanity in the entire world, and its power cannot be ignored (Risi, 2013). The evolution of telecommunication devices and numerous service providers have brought about a whole new experience for the community with information from the global view available to the majority of the people. With television people can access live information, and with digital mobile phone communication takes place in real time across the boundaries. According to Silverstone (2005), the evolution of the digital technology has brought a new different morphology of the society, and the digital trends will have more influence on the society that it had ever been imagined. The proliferation of the internet has completely changed the world into a global village by closing in the distance that existed between different national boundaries. The emergence of video conferencing technology today people can communicate and hold conferences from their remote locations without any problem (Risi, 2013). The internet resource has become an answer for multinational corporations and international business can now be conducted at ease. The numerous social networks in the internet have formed new platforms where people can communicate, share and pass information, exchange ideas and influence the peoples thinking process, and hence their decision making practice (Silverstone, 2005). One of the areas where digital media have been used to influence the decision making process of individuals is in the political field. Today, political agendas can be propagated ac ross the world at a click of a mouse and it only takes few minutes before the entire world responds to an issue. This has had a great impact on the political campaigns since the factors of time, cost and distance have been put behind by the evolution of technology. On the other hand the people have vast information which they can use as a ground to make more informed and wise decisions. For instance, Cambodian politics general
Working with and leading people Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Working with and leading people - Assignment Example Without which, an organization may not be operated in a successful way in the market. This is because, in order to manage the human resource of an organization, a leader or a manager plays a very vital role. He motivates the employees towards the roles and responsibilities of the organization for amplification of its product portfolio in market. Task 3 A P10-Overview Leadership is described as the procedure with the help of which an individual might influence other members within a group. It is done, to attain the goals and objectives of an organization or a specific group. However, the leader tries to make intimate relationship by making interpersonal communication with the other members so as to evaluate their inner ideas and views. This might help the leader to act accordingly so that, both the needs and desires of the employees as well as the organization might get fulfilled. By applying the leadership skills and knowledge, the leader tries to motivate the employees towards their duties and responsibilities. Only then, it might prove effective for the leader for the organization to achieve its goals and objectives in long run. Discussion Leader is a very respectful position within a group. One, who may manage and organize all the functions of a group, is depicted as a leader of that association. Once, while working in the organization of Colgate-Palmolive, I attained the opportunity to lead a group of members. Such a decision is taken by the management of the organization of Colgate-Palmolive to make a presentation on the importance of leadership and the essential skills and talents required by a leader. After hearing the decision, it was in a dilemma, whether I might be able to motivate the members of the group to attain the target or not. However, very soon, I sort out my dilemma by thinking about my interpersonal relationship with all other members. It was my most important strength to maintain a group or motivate the group members. With the help of my i nterpersonal communication skill, I easily motivated all other members towards the objective of making the presentation successful among other teams. Other than this, I also influenced the members by presenting the idea of ââ¬Å"Reward or incentivesâ⬠, on attainment of targets (of making an effective presentation). This idea, proved extremely effective for the team mates and they became quite confident and dedicated towards their duties and responsibilities of the organization of Colgate-Palmolive. This helped them to attain their goals resulting in fulfillment of my objective as well. Side by side, it also helped me in reducing the rate of conflicts among my team mates thereby amplifying their interpersonal relationships. As a result, the desire to help one another might also get enhanced that proved extremely effective for both employees and Colgate-Palmolive as well. Moreover, at that time, I also helped my team mates with varied types of ideas and details so as to make the presentation effective and informative. So, such an activity would remain always fresh in my minds. P11- Effectiveness of the team in attaining the goals A team comprises of a group of individual, who work in a coordinated way for the achievement of a common objective or goal. In order to fulfill an objective, it is extremely essential for the members to perform the duties in a harmonized and careful way. However, in order to make the objective successful, it needs to be designed in a SMART manner. This means that the objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant and time specific. So that, all the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
BUS 305 Ethics Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
BUS 305 Ethics Case Study - Essay Example The most common reason given by those who were caught fabricating data were the extreme pressure to complete the research either to keep with the expectation of supervisor, to meet a deadline, to get an article published and keep with the competition in the scientific community. The end user of a scientific study will be the one who will harmed by a study with a fabricated data. This could be more damaging if such study were also used by other scientists to build their study on because they are being fed with data that lacks scientific integrity. Students and researchers are also being harmed by a study with a fabricated data because they are basically studying an unproven scientific study due to its fraudulent methodology. Actual does not have to occur for a scientific study to be considered ethically wrong. The mere fact that it fabricated data, the research is no longer considered scientific because it violated the ethos of a research that makes a study scientific. In short, lying, whether it caused harm or not is always ethically wrong. Ultimately, any research is aimed to better society and the general public. The general public consumes scientific research to educate itself, to widen its horizon and to ultimately better itself. When that general public is being fed with information which claims to be scientific but in fact is not, then there is a big problem because the public are studying things to better itself which do not have scientific integrity. Thus, it is important that a scientific research is done ethically not only for the sake of being religious to its methodology, but also in consideration to the general public who will take such study as scientific
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Barriers to Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Barriers to Change - Essay Example The group concurred with this view. Ineffective communication hinders change efforts. The leader needs to articulate goals clearly and give frequent feedback on the change process. Moreover, the group agreed that leaders need to communicate the reasons for change and how it will affect those involved. This eliminates fear, uncertainty and doubt about the change. Another barrier is unclear processes and procedures. If carried out in a haphazard way, change could fail. It makes people to lose direction of where they are going and what is expected of them and consequently lack of commitment and resistance. Lastly, the group cited not paying attention to people issues as significant to success of change management. Leaders need to pay attention to psychological processes that people experiences in dealing with change hence help them to overcome. The group also discussed how the leaders might provide psychological safety to individuals in times of change. They agreed that correctional leaders should have the will to share mistakes with staff to promote organisational learning. Employees also need to feel that they can air their views and give input regarding the change without fear of reprisal. Giving them rewards and recognition for achievements is vital. The role of the leader is to help create effective relationships in the organisation. By being transparent, the leader creates an environment of psychological safety which in turn leads to increased participation in decision making and greater trust in the leader. Psychological safety also entails honesty, openness and will to learn continually which in turn leads to higher degree of physical safety. The employees thus feel secure and learn more leading to positive change. People are unique hence react to change and conflict in different ways. Change management is all about ensuring
BUS 305 Ethics Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
BUS 305 Ethics Case Study - Essay Example The most common reason given by those who were caught fabricating data were the extreme pressure to complete the research either to keep with the expectation of supervisor, to meet a deadline, to get an article published and keep with the competition in the scientific community. The end user of a scientific study will be the one who will harmed by a study with a fabricated data. This could be more damaging if such study were also used by other scientists to build their study on because they are being fed with data that lacks scientific integrity. Students and researchers are also being harmed by a study with a fabricated data because they are basically studying an unproven scientific study due to its fraudulent methodology. Actual does not have to occur for a scientific study to be considered ethically wrong. The mere fact that it fabricated data, the research is no longer considered scientific because it violated the ethos of a research that makes a study scientific. In short, lying, whether it caused harm or not is always ethically wrong. Ultimately, any research is aimed to better society and the general public. The general public consumes scientific research to educate itself, to widen its horizon and to ultimately better itself. When that general public is being fed with information which claims to be scientific but in fact is not, then there is a big problem because the public are studying things to better itself which do not have scientific integrity. Thus, it is important that a scientific research is done ethically not only for the sake of being religious to its methodology, but also in consideration to the general public who will take such study as scientific
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
DBQ French Revolution Essay Example for Free
DBQ French Revolution Essay History can be seen as a series of changes people put upon one another. Throughout the years, these changes have had affected society significantly resulting in more or less conflicts. The French Revolution was one of the many changes that affected society resulting in both conflicts beginning and others being resolved. The French Revolution began in 1789 due to the inequality of French society. The French society was divided into three estates. The first two consisted of clergy and nobility respectively. The third was made up of merchants, businessmen, lawyers, and peasants. They had the least rights and privileges compared with the other estates. The third estate had to pay all the taxes imposed by the king, King Louis XVI, whereas the other estates were excused from it. This made life harder for the peasants, but also sparked the French revolution when the Third Estate began to demand more rights. King Louis XVI ignored the demands of the Third Estate. When the Third Estate wanted to form the National Assembly, this exposed Kind Louis XIVs abuse of power. The Estates General was unfair due to the Third Estates constantly being outvoting by the first and second estates. This resulted in the Tennis Court Oath which said they wouldnt give up. Instead, the people of the Third Estate turned to rioting like when they stormed the Bastille to free political prisoners. After the revolution, the peasants made sure they were heard. They started killing nobles; the guillotine was made making the death sentence faster and cheaper. Thousands were killed with the guillotine including Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, his wife. The time after this was known as the Reign of Terror, when Maximilien Robespierre took over. During this period of famine and panic, the peasants were finally heard and released from feudalism. This French Revolution changed a lot helping commoners, but not the other people. It actually created a bigger war killing thousands of people. The people were left in fear and the commoners were still left poor and had little food. The Revolution resulted in several negative outcomes as well as positive. Negatively, the Reign of Terror broke out and its aftermath, which includesà countless deaths. Likewise, Louis XVI was overthrown fortunately, which gave the crown to Robespierre and eventually to dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte, who was able to create a stable economy and equalized taxes. I think the French Revolution definitely gave people some sense leading to stabilizing their way of life.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The History Of The Social Welfare Sociology Essay
The History Of The Social Welfare Sociology Essay This assignment is going to discuss the roles and purpose of British welfare state. This assignment will look at what welfare state is and the problems which society faced in the past century about the poor people. Also, the first administrative unit of Britain alongside with how poor law passed and the beverage report. This assignment is based on roles and purpose of welfare state. The United Kingdom welfare state was established in 1942 by William Beverage due to the Second World War which caused social problems to the British citizens. The Government stepped forward as to provide for its people by introducing Welfare State as a way of controlling these problems. Welfare state is a response to social problems whereby government undertakes the responsible to safeguard the health and well-being of its people, particularly those in financial or social need, by means of grants, pensions, and other benefits (Leistering Walker, 1998). It is based on the principals of equal opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth and public responsibilities of people that lack provision for a good life. The origin of the welfare state was from the 16th century. Britain expected the worst when the Second World War broke up in 1939. Due to war many people were affected by social problems such as poverty and many lost their jobs which resulted in high unemployment. The majority of the people were living in overcrowded poor housing facilities such as (slums) because council houses were not enough. Diseases were spreading because of lack of clean water, and sick people could not have money to seek treatment and this resulted in many people dying. Due to these events the government policy brought a change towards the care that was provided for the people. Welfare legislation was developed to make sure that everyone had access to quality of life due to the world war (Spicker, 2012). The idea of the Elizabeth law was based on the plan that the government was in charge on administration and control of poor relief. Elizabeth government realised that they would create some system to support people. Parish was the first basic administrative unit in Britain to take responsibility for the people who were poor and also had control to force people to pay a local tax to assist the poor. People who could not work such as old people and disabled were provided with accommodation in parish houses and also given money called the outdoor relief. However, this caused an impact on the increase of the cost of poor relief. The outdoor relief pay which was given to assist the poor in tough times and by doing this it was regarded as encouraging workers to remain inactive undermining the 19th century principles of thrift and hard work (Frohman, 2008). It was also argued that that the poor law encouraged the growth of poverty (Spicker, 2012). In 1834 a new Poor Law was introduced. People assumed that it was a good idea and they welcomed it thinking that it would lessen the cost of looking after the poor. People thought that beggars were going to be taken off the streets and for those people who were poor they were going to be encouraged to look after themselves. This poor law encouraged people to be independent and to help themselves by making ends meet. The new Poor Law ensured that those poor people who were housed in workhouses were getting some assistants in terms of clothing, food and money .Children were offered schooling when they entered the workhouse. In return for this care, all workhouse paupers would have to work for several hours each day. However, these workhouses were a system of encouraging poor people to work. The new poor law also help children who entered the work house to be educated it also ensure that the less privilege to get house in return. In reaction, the poor law of 1834 introduced a poor relief which imposed the principle of less eligibility. This new system act took a much harsher line towards help for the poor people whereby strict rules and regulations were put in place for people to follow (Harris, 2004). Families were separated and were not allowed to see each other. The Law stated that no healthy person was to be given money or other help from the Poor Law authorities except for people in a workhouse, and the unemployed benefits was to be provided as a last resort. Conditions in the workhouse were deliberately made harsh, in the hope that the poor would move out and seek work elsewhere (Hothersall Bolger, 2010). The new welfare state gradually replaced the 20th century the poor law. During 1906 a liberal government was elected and introduce some reforms.1n 1908 an old age pension came to existence which allow pension to be given to people over 70s, from 1925 pension were paid to men that is over 65 and to women over 60. The national insurance act was passed in 1911 and all employees were made to contribute from their wage and the aim was to build and also for every worker who felt sick was entitled to free treatment were given to every worker that feel sick. The contributions were to help the workers in future in situations when they become ill or out of work. In 1920 the scheme was extended to most people but not all work houses became unnecessary and then poor law was abolished. Top of Form Bottom of Form In 1941 an enquiry was established to plan how best it can be to shape up the welfare state. Beveridge held the opportunity as to start again the script, and then redesigned the contours of British welfare. By accident the report of the publication of his report was delayed and was produced in November 1942. Although largely a creation of ideas including Beveridges which had been around for some it was a successful to tackle social problems such as the five giants. In 1942 William beverage prepared a report called the Beveridge regarding the welfare of the individuals on how the government could help people in poverty and also to reduce inequality. This report focused on how the government should find ways of fighting the five Giant Evils of Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness which was caused by world war. The government was committed to provide care for the people of Britain to ensure that everyone had quality of life. The 1942 Beveridge report started in the introduction of welfare state, and involved the main changes and these included the national insurance based on 3 assumptions such as family allowance, National Health Service and full employment. The welfare state was produced to promote the provision of services for the public not only a response to poverty. Implementing Beveridge was immediately seen as part of winning the peace and also served as the blue print for the British welfare state (Hothersall Bolger, 2010). In 1945 when labour government was elected new services were introduced by the labour government and these included family allowances (Laybourn, 1995) and this created debates regarding the welfare state within current governments. The government introduced the Education Act 1944 which tackled lack of schooling. The 1946 National Health Act was concerned with improving the quality of health among the population. The 1946 National Insurance Act was created to cover all personal risks such as unemployment and illness. The NHS started operating and it provided a service to the population at a low cost. The 1945 Housing 1948 labour government extended the social security and a program of free medical care, Housing, Education and the Welfare of the Children. The National Assistance Act 1948 means- tested for people in lower income below a standard set by government and for unemployed people. The 1948 Children Act was also another important element. After 1948 the key elements of the welfa re state was understood as social security, Health, Housing, Education and welfare of children (Lowe, 2005). In the 1950 the government took over and slashed the help which was given to the poor and the sick. This created the provision of welfare state services to become more problematic and the interventions of the government caused further problems on that time. This then made the distribution of income more imbalanced and although they attempted to make the poor more hardworking and self sufficient it didnt work. The rolling back the state was revolved around the need to cut public spending as a way of reducing impact on public affair. Thatcher (1979-97) promised to reduce taxes and to lower the level of public spending and less state intervention. Thatcher opposed a welfare system and the welfare state began to break down resulted in retreat for housing and pension. The conservative government discouraged individuals and families from relying on the welfare state and promoted business and private enterprise. The Conservative changed the balance of welfare expenditure towards health and social security at the expense of education and housing. Thatcher revolution was less radical and the welfare spending remained stationary between the late (1970). Thatcher stated that welfare spending was weighing down the international competitiveness and also creating a dependency culture which also was supported by the government and acted to cut back the welfare state (Clasen, 2003). They were some cut back in Housing such as in building, maintenance and subsidization, as a way of driving up local authority rent levels (Maclennan Gibb, 1990). In Social Security welfare bills were introduced by cutting entitlements such as Unemployment Benefit and people were pushed on to means-tested support (Clasen, 2003). Under Child Support Scheme absent parents were required to contribute towards the child maintenance as a way of serving some of the welfare state money. The conservative government regarded NHS as a burden on the economy despite being popular since 1980 and was named as the internal market. As a result the NHS and Community Act were created in (1990) and introduced so many changes. This act recommended the introduction of a split for t hose who purchase the service and those who provide the services. The aim for that was to control costs and make the system more open to patients (Propper, et al. 2008). When new labour came into office in 1997 and welfare remained in the top priority. Welfare reform was a new labour agenda which led to a change on the welfare state. Regardless of Conservative critics of the welfare, new labour argued that new welfare policies were needed to improve poverty, inequality, health and education. The main aim of labour was to develop the NHS by rebuilding it and also promote choice for the patients and also free of charge. However, the white paper was published and health reforms were discussed which led to the Health Act (1999). This new policy brought change and encouraged cooperation and partnership between NHS and other care providers and it abolished the internal markets which were introduced by the Conservative government. Labour introduced the Welfare -to-work a policy for employment aiming at helping people to work and support themselves especially young people, single parents and those out of work. Another issue was to tackle the social exclusion of underprivileged people who had no access income and also to social institution. Those people from poorer families in work were to get benefits increase through Tax Credits. Labours approach was to try to cut down the amount of child and pensioner poverty (Baldock, Mitton, Manning Vickerstaff, 2012). After 2010 the welfare state was identified by the incoming of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition there was change in the areas such as: healthcare, schools and social security. In conclusion the welfare state was developed due to the number of factors contributed by world war such as unemployment, sickness and poverty. Top of Form
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Hawthorneââ¬â¢s Style in Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB
Hawthorneââ¬â¢s Style in ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠à à à à à à à à à à à à à The style is ââ¬Å"how speakers or writers say whatever it is that they sayâ⬠(Abrams 303). This essay will present an analysis of the style found in Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brown.â⬠à First of all, the reader can notice right away that Hawthorne writes in a well-read and cultivated style, avoiding the use of profanity, vulgar language, or words offensive to the ear. Consider his precise word selection from an enormous vocabulary: à They continued to walk onward, while the elder traveler exhorted his companion to make good speed and persevere in the path, discoursing so aptly, that his arguments seemed rather to spring up in the bosom of his auditor, than to be suggested by himself. As they went, he plucked a branch of maple, to serve for a walking-stick, and began to strip it of the twigs and little boughs, which were wet with evening dew à Even the most emotional outburst in the entire story does not contain any language even remotely displeasing or uncultivated: "ââ¬â¢Ha! ha! ha!ââ¬â¢ roared Goodman Brown, when the wind laughed at him. "Let us hear which will laugh loudest! Think not to frighten me with your deviltry! Come witch, come wizard, come Indian powwow, come devil himself! and here comes Goodman Brown. You may as well fear him as he fear you!ââ¬â¢" à Though he has obviously read widely, where are the references to the works Hawthorne has enjoyed? It is a feature of his style in ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠that he does not allude to a single author or literary work. It would be so easy for him to do, and yet he restrains himself ââ¬â for whatever literary reason. à à Hawthorneââ¬â¢s style in this tale is, without a doubt, imaginative. Consider his description of the second traveler and his staff: à It was now deep dusk in the forest, and deepest in that part of it where these two were journeying. As nearly as could be discerned, the second traveler was about fifty years old, apparently in the same rank of life as Goodman Brown, and bearing a considerable resemblance to him, though perhaps more in expression than features. Still, they might have been taken for father and son. And yet, though the elder person was as simply clad as the younger, and as simple in manner too, he had an indescribable air of one who knew the world, and would not have felt abashed at the governor's dinner-table, or in King William's court, were it possible that his affairs should call him thither.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
South Africa - Diverse In Culture But Could Be Unified In Language :: essays research papers
South Africa is diverse in culture but could be unified in language. English should be South Africaââ¬â¢s unifying language. It is necessary to understand what nationhood is, so that you the reader realise that a national language does not alter a nation. It binds the nation. I will also discuss South Africaââ¬â¢s diverse cultures and how a unifying language can merge these cultures. Lastly, I will demonstrate the links between language and identity. The concept of a nation is not easily defined. â⬠Nationalism is a deeply contradictory enterprise.â⬠(P Brooker, 1999,148). Our nation is one that has been formed over many years and languages have been brought to us through imperialism, immigrants and time. We have to accept that, â⬠for most nations of the world to escape the profound experience of imperialism would be in fact to escape their own actual historyâ⬠(P Brooker, 1999,148). We cannot deny that there is an assortment of language, which abound this nation. However, we need to choose one unifying language, which we can all use. This is essential for purposes of communication and mediation, which I will discuss later. This national language would be the only official language and English would be the unifying language. Identity is an ever-changing concept. South Africans sexuality, class, gender, race and even language determine our identity. â⬠Contemporary identities can therefore be fluid or consciously delimited. Any number of factors are likely to be under negotiation in either case; whether of religion, nation, language, political ideology or cultural expressionâ⬠(P Brooker, 1999,109). Our South African identity is one which has changed through imperialism and it is one that has changed through apartheid and it is one which will continue changing in order to progress therefore a national language such as English can become a part of this ever changing south African identity. A national language will not change the identities of South Africans, it will enhance it. People will still speak their different languages however when we are together we will have a common form of communication. In English-medium schools, for example, English is used as a medium for the study of a wide range of subjects. The students and the teachers come from different cultural backgrounds and many speak different languages at home but they use a common language for educational purposes. This means that an Indian teacher, who maybe speaks Tamil at home, can teach students, who might speak Zulu at home, using a common language, (S. South Africa - Diverse In Culture But Could Be Unified In Language :: essays research papers South Africa is diverse in culture but could be unified in language. English should be South Africaââ¬â¢s unifying language. It is necessary to understand what nationhood is, so that you the reader realise that a national language does not alter a nation. It binds the nation. I will also discuss South Africaââ¬â¢s diverse cultures and how a unifying language can merge these cultures. Lastly, I will demonstrate the links between language and identity. The concept of a nation is not easily defined. â⬠Nationalism is a deeply contradictory enterprise.â⬠(P Brooker, 1999,148). Our nation is one that has been formed over many years and languages have been brought to us through imperialism, immigrants and time. We have to accept that, â⬠for most nations of the world to escape the profound experience of imperialism would be in fact to escape their own actual historyâ⬠(P Brooker, 1999,148). We cannot deny that there is an assortment of language, which abound this nation. However, we need to choose one unifying language, which we can all use. This is essential for purposes of communication and mediation, which I will discuss later. This national language would be the only official language and English would be the unifying language. Identity is an ever-changing concept. South Africans sexuality, class, gender, race and even language determine our identity. â⬠Contemporary identities can therefore be fluid or consciously delimited. Any number of factors are likely to be under negotiation in either case; whether of religion, nation, language, political ideology or cultural expressionâ⬠(P Brooker, 1999,109). Our South African identity is one which has changed through imperialism and it is one that has changed through apartheid and it is one which will continue changing in order to progress therefore a national language such as English can become a part of this ever changing south African identity. A national language will not change the identities of South Africans, it will enhance it. People will still speak their different languages however when we are together we will have a common form of communication. In English-medium schools, for example, English is used as a medium for the study of a wide range of subjects. The students and the teachers come from different cultural backgrounds and many speak different languages at home but they use a common language for educational purposes. This means that an Indian teacher, who maybe speaks Tamil at home, can teach students, who might speak Zulu at home, using a common language, (S.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Easter Island’s End
2013-04-16 ENGL 102 Essay #1 Longer summery In the article, ââ¬Å"Easter Islandââ¬â¢s Endâ⬠by Jared Diamond, he states that the overpopulation and overusing the natural resources can affect and destroy our environment. Easter Island can be used as a warning that cultural and environmental dangers exist due to overexploitation. Although, civilizations have vanished from the island it still has a remaining mystery and history to its untouched landscape. Easter Island was formed out of an ancient volcanic eruption; the island is only sixty-four square miles with habitable land and subtropical weather that makes the soil fertile.Easter Island is famous for its tight-lipped statues that stand across the island, which were erected by the native Rapa Nui people. These are ancient wonders of the world that are still being studied to get a full understanding of how and why these statues were created. From written history, the explorerââ¬â¢s first impression of the island was that it has nothing but a sand island, there were nothing left on the island except for hundreds of the Rapa Nui statues. According to Diamond, the climate and location of the Easter Island should create abundance of trees, soils and other natural resources.Many questions have arisen to Easter Islandââ¬â¢s current existence. After many years of research, scientists and sociologists have come to a conclusion that the natural resources of the island were used by the islanders to survive their daily life, they cut down woods to transport those Rapa Nui statues and build canoes in order to find food. As time goes by, the population of Easter Island increased rapidly, and these islanders started to utilize all the natural resources abusively until the last tree was cut down.With todayââ¬â¢s rising population around the world, we have been exhausting our limited natural resources, if we do not learn to conserve all the limited natural resources, we will have nothing left for our future generations. Longer summery reflection I was very interested in the Easter Island topic when I first saw the title of the article. I have always seen pictures of the statues on Easter Island and wanted to visit there someday. I thought this would be good information to know about, so I started to read the article ââ¬Å"Easter Islandââ¬â¢s Endâ⬠by Jared Diamond.After I finished reading it the first time, I think I understood most of the article. But I still didnââ¬â¢t understand how the islanders collapsed the Easter Island. So I went on google and did some research. I found a Ted talk by Jared Diamond about how human collapsed the natural and civilization. After watching the video, it helped me a lot in understanding how human are slowly destroying our own planet, similar to what happened on Easter Island. After viewing the video, I went back to read the article again, and started to write down notes.I divided my long summery into five sections, the first section consis ting of the main idea of the article, over population and over using the natural resources lead Easter Island to an end. The second section is about the history of Easter Island, and what was on the island before it was destroyed. The third section is about the condition of Easter Island after it was destroyed. The fourth section is the conclusion of the summery, we can see that Easter Island is the miniature version of our earth, if we donââ¬â¢t stop over using our limited natural resources, our earth will end up like Easter Island. Shorter SummeryIn the article, ââ¬Å"Easter Islandââ¬â¢s Endâ⬠by Jared Diamond, he states that the overpopulation and overusing the natural resources can affect and destroy our environment. Easter Island can be used as a warning that cultural and environmental dangers exist due to overexploitation of natural resources. The local inhabitants of Easter Island over-utilized the island's natural resources to the point of a complete extinction o f those very resources that were sustaining them. Easter Island can be thought of as a small scale model of the earth, and what could hypothetically happen if we do not exercise natural resource sustainability and management.Shorter summery reflection I found that writing a short summery is much harder than writing a longer summery, especially on keeping it under 100 words. At the beginning, I didnââ¬â¢t know how to start with the shorter summery, but I thought a good way to do it is to condense my longer summery and make it into 100 words. So I start with filtering out the least important information from the longer summery. First thing I took out was the history and introduction of Easter Island. Then I filtered out the information about the gigantic statues. Finally, I deleted the example of how they waste the natural resources.After I have the edited version of the summery, I read it again, and thought that the most important part is the authorââ¬â¢s thesis, which is â⬠Å"he states that the overpopulation and overusing the natural resources can affect and destroy our environment. â⬠So I decided to keep the same sentence. In the article, the author clearly illustrate that the cause of the ending of the Easter Island is because of the islanders didnââ¬â¢t use their resources wisely. He wants to warn us that the Easter Island is a lesson for us and if we donââ¬â¢t want to end up like the islanders, we should stop abusing our limited natural resources.I expanded the information what I think I have learned from the article, and then make them into a academic form. This is how I put my shorter summery together. Critique and essay In ââ¬Å"Easter Islandââ¬â¢s Endâ⬠, published by Discover Magazine in 1995, written by Jared Diamond, a professor of geography and physiology at UCLA, has shown us the beginning till the end of the former heaven, the Easter Island. In the article, Diamond illustrates that overpopulating and overusing natural resources will result in destroying our natural environment. Easter Island is located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean.When the European explorers reached the island in 1722 they found a desolate landscape with less than 2,000 people existing there. They noticed that the islanders lived in caves and had a very limited supply of food. And they also found these gigantic statues that were carved out of stone. Those were evidence which proves that refined civilization once existed in Easter Island. Because of the unique location of the Easter Island, it has very good climate that creates abundance of natural resources. ââ¬Å"In theory, this combination of blessings should have made Easter a miniature paradise, remote from problems that beset the rest of the world. (165) However, when explorers discovered Easter Island, it was a completely opposite of the ââ¬Å"paradiseâ⬠. It makes us wonder what happened in this Island. The first hypothesis the researchers considered was the fo rest was lost because of climate change, but evidence quickly pointed to the hypothesis that the people had gradually destroyed their own island. Researchers predicted that the trees provided wood, building material for houses and canoes, fruit to eat, fiber for clothing. Most importantly, lots of woods were used as the first resource to move the stone statues.These statues are 33 feet tall, and weighed up to 99 tons. Some of them are very far from where they were constructed in the quarries to the coastal sites where they were positioned. With the trees slowly been cutting down, rain would have eroded the soil away. Population raised rapidly over generations, people started to unmanageably use the limited natural resources on the overpopulated island. As a result the islanders turned against one another because of the shortage of food. ââ¬Å"Gradually trees become fewer, smaller, and less important.By the time the last fruit-bearing adult palm tree was cut, palms had long since ce ased to be of economic significance. â⬠(173)The life of paradise Easter Island has come to an end. In the article, Diamond has point out that we can consider our planet as a large version of the Easter Island. We have a potentially non-sustainable eco system. If we look at our progression over the last 300 years that we have inhabited North America, we will notice that we have removed many natural resources. Such as Trees in the Northwest, plains in the Midwest, the marshes of Florida, all of which have been devastated by humans in the past centuries.Our great grandparents did not notice the destruction, nor will I ever be able to actually notice some of it myself. We must learn from the lesson of the Easter Island and start to use our natural resources wisely. If we donââ¬â¢t preserve our environment by recycling, saving trees, and protecting land, we will be forced to face the same ending as the islanders. Natural resources are important and limited, if we donââ¬â¢t pro tect them, the nature will pay back to us and there will be nothing left for our future generation. Citation Diamond, Jared. ââ¬Å"Easter Island's End. â⬠Science and Society (2007): 164-74. Print.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Monster Inside Me
I had everything. Loving family, supportive friends, good grades, degree in balletâ⬠¦ etc. Not much, but thereââ¬â¢s no shortage for anything. But life isnââ¬â¢t always perfect, especially when the monster inside you starts to show. I was at the dance studio half an hour earlier before the rehearsal starts. Determined to be the best as I got the first role for the upcoming ballet production ââ¬Å"Swan Lakeâ⬠. I got all the applause and compliments from all the musical directors and choreographers. Everything was meant to be, I was the brightest star. But life isnââ¬â¢t always fair.The door cracked open as I was doing my last stretching before heading to the stage. The director walked in, along with another girl from the ensemble group. ââ¬Å"Charlotte,â⬠She said. ââ¬Å"She will take the lead role from now on, youââ¬â¢ll be her backup,â⬠the director continued. ââ¬Å"Five minutes on stage. â⬠They went out the door. I was stunned. Everything ha ppened in just a blink of an eye. I worked so hard for this role and everything was meant to be. I couldnââ¬â¢t accept the fact that someone is better than me. Someone that can make the choreographers and directors think for a second thought.I wasnââ¬â¢t satisfied. I went up the stage and argued with the director. Thinking of something that could make him change his decision. ââ¬Å"Your figure is not what we want for the role. â⬠I was beaten by that. Never in my life did someone actually point out my imperfection before. I thought I was perfect. I rushed to the toilet to hide my tears. I am strong, or in the other word, I was afraid to lose. High self-esteem is what I got since the day I was born. I highly believe that I was worth everything because I spent much of my time striving to achieve perfection in every aspect of my life.What I did not realize was that in my desperate need to be perfect, I sacrificed the very body and mind that allowed me to live. I looked at m yself in the mirror. The reflection of mine started to twist. I saw an ugly, worthless and hopeless girl. Her empty eyes werenââ¬â¢t showing anything but angers. Her body began to grow bigger and bigger. She seemed to be the brightest among all, but when the darkness comes, sheââ¬â¢s nothing but an empty shell. From that day onwards, my life changed. I was never happy before. Jealousy was what controlling me. I felt very inadequate and unsuccessful.I started to believe that my life was a failure. And what had caused it like this is no doubt but my weight. I had always been an average size. But I was convinced by my inner voice that I was overweight. I found myself involved in a competition again. But this time, I was competing against myself. I started of with a normal diet. Thought Iââ¬â¢ll just lose a few pounds and everything will be okay. I was wrong. When the first pound was lost, I was addicted to the numbers on the scales. My mind became obsessed with beating my body at this game. Though I know Iââ¬â¢m slowly killing myself, but jealousy was my biggest motivation.I was dying to win my pride back and prove them wrong. I slowly cut back on what I eat each day. With every portion I didnââ¬â¢t finish or meal I skipped, I told myself that I was succeeding, and in turn, I felt good about myself. That was my darkest secret. I still join my family dinner. Just to avoid my family to notice my odd behaviour. But I felt disgusted and useless after every meal. I was then introduced to purging. Purging had sort of changed my life because I could eat what I want and what I had to do is just purge them out afterwards.My parents had no idea that their loving and caring daughter is a total different soul now. Every time I finished meal I will make a beautiful excuse to my room. They had no idea what is happening behind that door. Toilet bowl and icy tiles was what I face every night. My reflection from the mirror is nothing but an empty soul. My eyes were like two empty holes burning in flames. I just want my role back. My inner voice told me that it will be worth it every time. There, I slide two fingers down my throat and began to purge out everything.Not just the food I ate, but every bit of my soul. The monster inside me had taken over everything I had, purging out my original self. My mind was possessed by jealousy, anger and desperation, and I couldnââ¬â¢t help it. I was lost and desperately searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. Even so, I had never gave up my hope on ballet. I lost a lot of weight, losing more that I could have imagined. I just couldnââ¬â¢t control myself, my soul was lost, life was empty and I couldnââ¬â¢t figure out why. But my spirits were high and I was still so motivated and determined to get my role back.I knew I still had to convince the directors that I was the main star. I saw my reflection on the mirror, I saw the beautiful me. One day before the show, I was on the backstage. An xiously waiting for the right time like lion waiting for its prey. There she came, going down the stairs. My eyes were flaming. Jealousy had driven me to my limits, the limits where I could do everything just to get my role back. I have to vanish her. I was possessed by the monster inside me, I ran towards her in light speed and pushed her off the stairs with the last energy I reserved.My heart was racing. She was admitted to the hospital. I have no regrets on what Iââ¬â¢ve done. Never in my life that I was so happy by the feeling of winning. But I wasnââ¬â¢t me anymore, the bright and loving girl had completely turned into a devil. The feeling of snatching back of what belongs to me was what pleased me. I was insane. Standing on the stage, the lights were on me. I gave a revengeful smile to the directors and as soon as I finished my last step, I collapsed. Heart attack hits me. The sounds of sirens were apparent and soon after, I noticed a medic trying to resuscitate me.I kne w my time was done, my heart was failing. It was beating weaker. ââ¬Å"Perfection, I finally found it. It was perfect. â⬠I saw my body, it was lying down on the ground like a doll. There were people mourning and weeping. At first, I couldnââ¬â¢t understand why. I saw more and more people, the people whom I recognized came over, filled with unbearable thoughts of sadness and grief. I knew then I was gone, I was no longer a part of this world. I thought I did what I had to do. In the end, I defeated the purpose and paid it with my life. The Monster Inside Me I had everything. Loving family, supportive friends, good grades, degree in balletâ⬠¦ etc. Not much, but thereââ¬â¢s no shortage for anything. But life isnââ¬â¢t always perfect, especially when the monster inside you starts to show. I was at the dance studio half an hour earlier before the rehearsal starts. Determined to be the best as I got the first role for the upcoming ballet production ââ¬Å"Swan Lakeâ⬠. I got all the applause and compliments from all the musical directors and choreographers. Everything was meant to be, I was the brightest star. But life isnââ¬â¢t always fair.The door cracked open as I was doing my last stretching before heading to the stage. The director walked in, along with another girl from the ensemble group. ââ¬Å"Charlotte,â⬠She said. ââ¬Å"She will take the lead role from now on, youââ¬â¢ll be her backup,â⬠the director continued. ââ¬Å"Five minutes on stage. â⬠They went out the door. I was stunned. Everything ha ppened in just a blink of an eye. I worked so hard for this role and everything was meant to be. I couldnââ¬â¢t accept the fact that someone is better than me. Someone that can make the choreographers and directors think for a second thought.I wasnââ¬â¢t satisfied. I went up the stage and argued with the director. Thinking of something that could make him change his decision. ââ¬Å"Your figure is not what we want for the role. â⬠I was beaten by that. Never in my life did someone actually point out my imperfection before. I thought I was perfect. I rushed to the toilet to hide my tears. I am strong, or in the other word, I was afraid to lose. High self-esteem is what I got since the day I was born. I highly believe that I was worth everything because I spent much of my time striving to achieve perfection in every aspect of my life.What I did not realize was that in my desperate need to be perfect, I sacrificed the very body and mind that allowed me to live. I looked at m yself in the mirror. The reflection of mine started to twist. I saw an ugly, worthless and hopeless girl. Her empty eyes werenââ¬â¢t showing anything but angers. Her body began to grow bigger and bigger. She seemed to be the brightest among all, but when the darkness comes, sheââ¬â¢s nothing but an empty shell. From that day onwards, my life changed. I was never happy before. Jealousy was what controlling me. I felt very inadequate and unsuccessful.I started to believe that my life was a failure. And what had caused it like this is no doubt but my weight. I had always been an average size. But I was convinced by my inner voice that I was overweight. I found myself involved in a competition again. But this time, I was competing against myself. I started of with a normal diet. Thought Iââ¬â¢ll just lose a few pounds and everything will be okay. I was wrong. When the first pound was lost, I was addicted to the numbers on the scales. My mind became obsessed with beating my body at this game. Though I know Iââ¬â¢m slowly killing myself, but jealousy was my biggest motivation.I was dying to win my pride back and prove them wrong. I slowly cut back on what I eat each day. With every portion I didnââ¬â¢t finish or meal I skipped, I told myself that I was succeeding, and in turn, I felt good about myself. That was my darkest secret. I still join my family dinner. Just to avoid my family to notice my odd behaviour. But I felt disgusted and useless after every meal. I was then introduced to purging. Purging had sort of changed my life because I could eat what I want and what I had to do is just purge them out afterwards.My parents had no idea that their loving and caring daughter is a total different soul now. Every time I finished meal I will make a beautiful excuse to my room. They had no idea what is happening behind that door. Toilet bowl and icy tiles was what I face every night. My reflection from the mirror is nothing but an empty soul. My eyes were like two empty holes burning in flames. I just want my role back. My inner voice told me that it will be worth it every time. There, I slide two fingers down my throat and began to purge out everything.Not just the food I ate, but every bit of my soul. The monster inside me had taken over everything I had, purging out my original self. My mind was possessed by jealousy, anger and desperation, and I couldnââ¬â¢t help it. I was lost and desperately searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. Even so, I had never gave up my hope on ballet. I lost a lot of weight, losing more that I could have imagined. I just couldnââ¬â¢t control myself, my soul was lost, life was empty and I couldnââ¬â¢t figure out why. But my spirits were high and I was still so motivated and determined to get my role back.I knew I still had to convince the directors that I was the main star. I saw my reflection on the mirror, I saw the beautiful me. One day before the show, I was on the backstage. An xiously waiting for the right time like lion waiting for its prey. There she came, going down the stairs. My eyes were flaming. Jealousy had driven me to my limits, the limits where I could do everything just to get my role back. I have to vanish her. I was possessed by the monster inside me, I ran towards her in light speed and pushed her off the stairs with the last energy I reserved.My heart was racing. She was admitted to the hospital. I have no regrets on what Iââ¬â¢ve done. Never in my life that I was so happy by the feeling of winning. But I wasnââ¬â¢t me anymore, the bright and loving girl had completely turned into a devil. The feeling of snatching back of what belongs to me was what pleased me. I was insane. Standing on the stage, the lights were on me. I gave a revengeful smile to the directors and as soon as I finished my last step, I collapsed. Heart attack hits me. The sounds of sirens were apparent and soon after, I noticed a medic trying to resuscitate me.I kne w my time was done, my heart was failing. It was beating weaker. ââ¬Å"Perfection, I finally found it. It was perfect. â⬠I saw my body, it was lying down on the ground like a doll. There were people mourning and weeping. At first, I couldnââ¬â¢t understand why. I saw more and more people, the people whom I recognized came over, filled with unbearable thoughts of sadness and grief. I knew then I was gone, I was no longer a part of this world. I thought I did what I had to do. In the end, I defeated the purpose and paid it with my life.
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